Playing cards
Production and formats in use
The traditional playing cards are presented as rectangular (round in India) cards made of heavy paper or plastic and the set of one of their complete series is called "bunch".
The cards are composed of a side called "front" or "face" and a back called "deck" which is generally the same for all cards in a bunch.
The true origin of the playing cards is not known with precision, but it is very probable that the ancestors of the modern ones arrived in Europe through the Egyptian Memelucchi who seem to play with a deck of 52 cards that formed 4 seeds: sticks, money, cups and swords.
There are different types of playing cards on the market such as the circle format (889 mm diameter), tarot (120 mm x 635 mm), square (889 mm x 889 mm) and mini (445 mm x 635 mm), but undoubtedly the two most widespread and widely adopted types of the current market are poker cards and bridge cards. The bridge size has a width / height ratio of 571 mm x 889 mm; poker cards have a typical size with height similar to the previous type and a slightly higher width of 635 mm.
How are playing cards produced? The first step for an author or a publishing house is to specify to the producer the type of cards chosen with their dimensions, choose the material (plastic or paper), the weight (it is mostly in a range of 290 and 320 grams) and the degree of opacity rather than saturation and brightness. Definite standards and characteristics, the cards are printed on a single sheet of print (each sheet contains a maximum number of cards based on the expected size, so if you exceed, you will use a further sheet of printing even for a card in more - paying for the entire cost of the paper, of course, pay attention! -) which is then treated to increase and improve brightness, brilliance, viscosity and durability. The latter can be greatly extended by means of surface treatments such as calending and telemaking. Subsequently, the printing sheet is cut and arranged in bands or vertical strips which, in turn, are passed inside a blade and then cut into individual cards. The decks of cards obtained, go through the automated process of rounding the corners, to arrive then to the typical shape of the modern playing card.
In the world of card games, there are special card games called Trading Card Game (TCG) or collectible card games. We talked about this in a previous article of our blog, click HERE if you are interested. Regarding the reality of Tambù, we use poker cards (635 mm x 889 mm) patinated and opaque with a weight equal to 315 gr. An example of a card game that you can find in our catalog is a fun party game that stars in the bizarre explosive monkeys: Cheeky Monkeys, but to find out more about the portal and our Facebook page :D
For today everything is. See you soon with new articles on our beloved play world!